Source top talent while you sleep with the AI headhunter

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Our advanced AI technology revolutionizes recruitment by automating tedious tasks, ensuring a constant flow of top-tier talent into your candidate pipeline. Our AI headhunter expertly and automatically finds, engages, and conducts initial video screenings with qualified candidates, streamlining your hiring process and delivering a curated selection of exceptional applicants for your consideration.

Supercharge your talent team
with an AI assistant

Enable your recruitment or HR team to do more. Give them the tools to accelerate and scale candidate sourcing through AI and automation freeing up their time to focus on more strategic and high-impact activities.

Get better candidates

Use an ‘outreach-first’ approach to improve the quality and suitability of applications through highly targeted engagment.

Get more candidates

Use AI and automation to increase the flow of high-caliber qualified candidates into your recruitment pipeline.

Reduce costs

Reduce your overall cost of recruitment by taking control of your candidate pipeline and relying less on external recruiters.

Find qualified candidates anywhere

Through a combination of AI, automation and platform integration our AI headhunter takes your candidate requirements and builds a talent pool of qualified passive candidates from across a range professional and social networks.

Engage candidates with automated AI powered outreach

Once the AI headhunter has built a validated talent pool of quality prospective candidates it begins the process of engaging those candidates through email, text and across professional and social networks to establish their availability and interest in your role.

Automatically video screen candidates

As candidates indicate their interest in your role, you’ll have the opportunity to review their application and automatically arrange a one-way video interview where the candidate answers a set of predefined interview questions. This enables you to very quickly get a feel for a candidates suitability beyond just their professional experience and academic qualifications.

Get 3 video-screened candidates with our FREE trial

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By taking over routine process-driven tasks, the AI headhunter empowers your team to focus on the high-impact and creative aspects of their roles that require a human touch. is designed to boost and accelerate the performance of your existing talent team, not replace it.

  • Using an AI assistant enables your talent team to reach more candidates, more quickly. It allows you to identify and engage prospective candidates at a totally different scale. It also enables you to fill your recruitment pipeline with commission-free candidates, which significantly reduces your overall cost of recruitment.

  • Quite the contrary. Using AI to automate the repetitive process-driven tasks gives recruiters and HR teams more time and capacity to focus on the parts of the recruitment process which benefit most from the human touch. It enables teams to focus on conducting face-to-face interviews, providing detailed feedback and assessing candidates properly and fairly.

  • No. is a sourcing tool that is designed to work along side your existing ATS.

  • You can set up so that every time you shortlist a candidate they are submitted to the corresponding role in your ATS. This keeps your ATS clear of unqualified candidates. supports ATS integration with all major ATS platforms.

  • Yes. We can help you to build talent pools automatically, but if you have an existing talent pool or individual candidates that you want to use to reach out to and screen automatically you can upload them into the system.

  • No. is a tool that can accelerate the sourcing capabilities of any recruitment professional whether that’s adding a new sourcing capability to an internal HR team or helping an existing internal or freelance recruiter/sourcer to reach more potential candidates. is compatible with your existing Applicant Tracking System.